Ex-Girlfriends And Their Lawyers Are Getting Medieval On Revenge Porn

Pop Quiz: What’s The Appeal Of Revenge Porn?
A) Getting even with an ex-girlfriend that hurt your feelings.
B) Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking.
C) Masturbating to images and videos of actual girls that you’d like to bang.
D) Reaffirmation that the nice girl next door gets super dirty in bed in all the ways she will never admit to anyone publicly.
or E) All Of The Above.
Not surprisingly, the multiple answers you chose probably depend on your gender, age, and current dating status. Another factor could be that you’ve personally lost count of just how many nude selfies you’ve taken of yourself in the bathroom mirror with your lips puckered up like a fish with botox. And yet another could be how many times you jerk off every day and you just don’t give a fuck anymore.
Oh, I’m sorry, was that insensitive? Then you need to CLICK HERE and/or Google “nude selfie” – because you will not believe how many women are taking sexually explicit images of themselves. (Everything from “first time naked on camera today” to “ninth time posing for another open beaver shot” – and this stuff is great for the Feminist Movement because Slut Shaming doesn’t stand a chance anymore.)
But no matter how you answered this multiple choice quiz, when Kevin Bollaert created a website that posted sexually explicit images of private individuals next to their real name, age, city, and state PLUS links to their social media accounts, he then crossed the line from feminist entrepreneur into cyber-bullying criminal. And as part of his genius business model (in addition to the banner advertising dollars pouring in from corporate entities that simply couldn’t resist the ocean of stimulated viewers,) this website outright extorted these girls for their hard-earned cash in exchange for removing their nude selfies and personal information (Bollaert meanwhile knowing full well it was likely already downloaded, shared and redistributed) – and that’s how the creator of UGotPosted.com became charged with multiple felonies and ultimately sentenced with 18 years in prison. CLICK HERE TO READ THE COURT FILING!
So if you’re searching for a Moral Victory, here it is:
UGotPosted.com has been shut down!
IsAnyoneUp.com has been taken over!
GfRevenge.com is a now commercial porn site?!
That’s right, ladies. If you’re going to take nude photos and videos of yourself, now it’s up to you to post it to: https://www.facebook.com/worldwidehometownhotties and you get to keep all the credit!
But if you’re searching for a social victory because Cyberbullying is finally being stamped out, then think again. TMZ.com, TrueCrimeReport.com, BustedMugShots.com and DumbCriminals.com have their next bulls-eye aimed at you and apparently there’s nothing you can do. Sure…it’s all fun and games until YOU get the DUI. And after that, you can forget about just paying your fine, serving probation and getting on with your life. NO WAY! Now YOU are the ENTERTAINMENT!
Just ask Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio – because he has his own cyberbullying site: http://www.mcso.org/Mugshot/
Hey, chuckles. Not only is that NOT against the law, but he IS the law. Whose getting the last laugh now, inmate?
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