Is Fox News Still Hunting Hot MILFs?

FoxNews Hot MILF Hunt

Do Fox News Viewers Crave Horny Hollywood MILFs?

FoxNews Hot MILF Hunt


Everyone Loves The Titillating Stories on (but you have to scroll down to the “Features & Faces” section – past the boring stuff)

Somewhere along the way, we all begin to realize that strict Republican agendas can get very boring – and therefore, so must Fox News. And that must be why we also know that if we leave our TVs tuned onto Fox News, we’ll surely get more smokin’ hot blondes dishing up the upper crust financial news sweetly blended with other high alert breaking action news – all well planned and distinctly rehearsed to ensure our collector card stable of poised smokin’ hot blonde babes sit just far away enough from any interfering furniture that might detract our view of their smokin’ hot bodies.

Watching these pretty pink lipstick cheerleaders pronounce the “O” in Obama is a great way to start the day. So let’s get back to that FoxNews Hollywood MILF slide show, shall we? [It would be funny if we were making this up, but everybody reading this knows we did not.] Happy “Hump Day!”


… fair and balanced … like a pair of nice boobs …

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