Sex Offenders Are Sicko Perverts – Unless They’re In YOUR Family

>>> “Sex Rap Recap” Headlines – November 2015 >>>
“Porn Mansion” – Just Another AirBNB / Gay Porn Movie Set?
This Is Why Surfing Gay Porn Doesn’t Mix With Teaching
Charlie Sheen’s Gay Oral Sex Tape Is The Cherry On Top
He Is Now The Wildest Dentist In New York City!
Even Some Devout Monks In Minnesota Are Sex Offenders?
Was The Hot Teen At Starbucks Worth Putting This On Her Cup?
Who Doesn’t Know You Can’t Record Girls In Locker Rooms Anymore?
Oy! Scotland Yard Had To Apologize For Sexual Harassment
Women In 2015 Are Still Ashamed To Enjoy Porn
2016… It’ll Be Another Great Year For Sex Addiction!
Teen Student Sexting Scandals
In New York, Adults Grasp Overreach Of Schools When Their Own Kids Are Suspended For Receiving Nude Cell Phone Messages From Other Students
In a FoxNews story titled “Showdown looms for parents, principal after school casts wide net in sexting scandal,” in which “a cellphone video [had] allegedly spread among some students showing a sexual encounter between a 14-year-old Smithtown boy and an UNDERAGE GIRL.”
Why won’t they tell us the age of the girl? Is she 6, or is she 14? Is it because we might roll our eyes if she’s the same age as the Smithtown boy their so eager to talk about?
“Several parents of suspended children told Newsday they disagreed with the rationale for the suspension, arguing there’s no way to prevent receipt of a text message.” The school also suspended students that had simply RECEIVED the video. What happened to INTENT and/or CONSENT? Suspension for being a witness makes no sense.
According to an ABCNews article, “Each of the boys has been charged with disseminating indecent material to minors and promoting a sexual performance by a child, both of which are Class-D felonies, and third-degree sexual abuse, which is a misdemeanor.” Kind of harsh for kids video recording an episode of ‘playing doctor.’
One student’s father said it best, “It’s impossible to believe that your son could get in trouble because somebody forwarded a video to his phone that he has no control over receiving it.“
Child Erotica?!
According to the article,“Police: More charges possible in Chesco school sexting” at, “Victims and participants told investigators that images of child erotica, nudity, child pornography, and pornography had been created, sent, stored, and viewed by students at their homes and in school over the last six months.” But here’s the problem. The article then goes on to state, “at least one of the three charged entered high school this fall.” Ok, high school students nude sexting IS NOT CHILD EROTICA. The good news is that if you read the entire article, you will find some folks talking about less focus on criminal application of the law, and more about relating to adolescents about making better choices. But then again, there’s a D.A. that says she still would have filed criminal charges.
Over 100 High School Students Caught Sexting
In article, “Prosecutors Weigh Teenage Sexting: Folly or Felony?”
“A 15-year-old boy shares a risqué photo of his girlfriend with his buddies: Under the strictest definition of the law, you have a felony,” said William Fitzpatrick, the district attorney of Onondaga County in New York, which includes Syracuse. “But we would never prosecute a case like that.”
However, because the laws are written the way they are [re: a continuing case in Joliet, Illinois, where three boys and a girl, ranging in ages from 14 to 16, filmed themselves having sex and posted it on Twitter], “the video these four created is legally child pornography, and those are the charges you start with, the charges that the evidence supports.” Therefore, until laws are changed, once a case has entered the court system, the prosecutor has the ability to punish and criminalize a defendant “to the full extent of the law.”
In more positive news, as an outreach program, a New York state Assistant D.A. has been making presentations at high schools, “educating students and parents about the personal and legal risks. About a third of the way through [the program], you see this wave of students frantically hitting the erase buttons on their phones.” Note: these are young, consenting adults. Not hardened criminals.
The Curious Case Of Dr. John W. Wolf, DDS
If you have not yet heard the story about the dentist in New York City named Dr. John Wolf, then you have to read these two articles from The Daily Beast and The New York Times. In a nutshell, a meth dealer gets nabbed by the feds and makes a plea deal by turning in his secret clients like Dr. John Wolf. But during the sting operation, Dr. John’s predilection for child pornography far outshines the Feds’ interest in his meth consumption. And when they discover the full story about him having HIV and his finer appreciation for bestiality, the case explodes into a media frenzy.
“If you’re asking if there was ever anything to make me think my dentist was a meth-doing psychopath who liked to spread [HIV] around and fuck farm animals, then no, there was never anything like that when I went to get my teeth fixed,” one former patient told The Daily Beast.
But how did this case go from undercover operation to national sensation? To get that answer, we need to know: Who is “Kat ‘Vietnamese Vixen’ J.” Because she’s the one that gets headlining credit for posting the following Yelp review:
“Filthy disgusting human being…HIV positive and intentionally infect[ing] others. having sex with animals, possession of child porn, meth user…i pray you get yours in prison…”
But guess what? That review has been scrubbed from not only Dr. John Wolf’s Yelp business page, but also HER VERY OWN YELP PAGE! Why, Kat J.? Why would you go through the trouble of making such vile accusations about somebody whose obviously been arrested for the crime you accused them of, but then you delete if from your own website information. Shouldn’t you feel vindicated, rather than intimidated? And what was your connection with the doctor? You never mentioned an office visit at all…
But whatever the story is, feel free to visit Kat J.’s Yelp page and read about how much she seems to hate everything. It’s hilarious. And remember that she calls herself a ‘Vietnamese Vixen.’ Sounds like an awesome experience.
Let’s Talk More About Jared Fogle, Because We Need To Stay Focused On The Difference Between ‘Child Porn’ & ‘Sex With Minors’
Everybody knows that Jared Fogle has been sentenced to over 15 years in prison. But not everybody is clear on why. Specifically, he was charged with and plead guilty to possession of child pornography and having sex with minors.
But here’s the problem. Those are two very different charges, and they are getting mixed together far too often. Regardless of what you hear on T.V., the reality is, that’s a lot like saying somebody has been charged with 1st degree murder and not wearing a seat belt. Or of committing a violent rape and failing to obey a stop sign. Here’s the deal: ‘possession of child pornography’ should be reserved for adults confusing sexual attraction to getting off on watching naked toddlers and abusing their power as an adult over a brand new human being; while ‘having sex with minors’ is having consensual sex with a girl in high school that is far too young to be screwing a friend of her uncle, but it was her idea, and she was flirting with him all weekend at the lake house.
But that’s what’s happening. AND, Jared Fogle was doing both. Because his sex addiction was all over the map. And he needs some serious counseling and time out. So it is very unfortunate (and incredibly misleading) to make Jared Fogle the poster boy for lumping toddlers in tiaras with homecoming queens.
The Case of Lee Robert Moore
I’m sure everyone has seen this guy’s picture by now. Lee Robert Moore (age 37) is the latest poster boy for why all men are scum. And yes, according to the article, “U.S. Secret Service employee arrested for sending lewd photos, messages,” he was trolling for 14-year-old girls while on duty as a member of the secret service.
Upon his arrest, according to the court documents, Moore admitted to engaging with the “girl,” and sometimes while he was on the job at the White House. He also reportedly admitted to using “Meet24.” to “communicate with numerous other users whom he believed to be minor, teenage girls,” as he had a particular interest in 14-year-olds.
Question: If Teenage Girls Stop Masturbating On Their Webcams When They Get Home From School, Will The Rest Of Society Stop Being So Interested In Trying To Get A Hold Of Their Chaturbates? Answer: Doubt That Day Will Come.
And That Brings Us To ‘The Creepy Starbucks Guy’
Very few things in life are as frustrating to witness as the mile high, steaming pile of bullshit claimed by people that dress and act in an extremely provocative manner, and then claim how inappropriate it was when someone else in society tries to communicate their interest. Read the article: “Starbucks barista writes ‘creepy’ message on teen girl’s coffee cup”
Fine. The London Starbuck’s employee probably over used this pick up line. And on this occasion, he shouldn’t have done it in front of the girl’s mom. But maybe he didn’t know they were together. And it probably got him some action in the past, or he wouldn’t have been so aggressive about using it. And I will point out, as the article clearly states, “Her daughter, who is 19 years old, has not given a response about the flirty note.”
Question: Was she wearing the “Slut Sweater” and fiddling with her hair while in line for coffee that day? Answer: No, of course not. That’s a crazy idea.
Having Said That, Let’s Talk About James Deen (The Porn Star)
If you ask most of society what they think of ‘porn stars,’ they’ll probably just say “who gives a shit.” But if you ask any of the hundreds of thousands of global “Fifty Shades of Grey” fans (world wide Gross estimated over $500,000,000) if Christian Grey is an asshole, they’d probably say “it’s complicated.”
So consider that, when you read about James Deen (the porn star) being accused of sexual assault and rape. It is possible (and likely) that he more than crosses the ‘gentleman’ line with women. For he is well-known for specializing in rough sex, and he willingly claims that expertise. But ask Anastasia if Christian Grey should go to prison for what he’s done to her, and of course she would say, “No, silly. I love him.”
No one is condoning rape. But if men and women around the world are being privately titillated by images of rough sex, and a male porn star is supplying that product, then we need to all be a little more careful about declaring “The Bill Cosby Of Porn.”
Perfect Time To Discuss “Abuse Of Passed Out Girl” Videos
In the article titled, “‘Abuse of passed out girl’: How Internet search engines choose to ignore sexual assault”, the author (Justin Haskins) states:
Every day, thousands of videos of women being sexually assaulted are used by multi-billion dollar websites such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft’s Bing in order to drive revenue at the expense of the helpless victims involved.
Holy Shit, really Justin? Are you SURE “Google, Yahoo and Bing are using THOUSANDS of videos of women being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED to increase their REVENUE EVERY DAY?” Because if any of them are not, and if I was any one of their lawyers, I would certainly seek a retraction from you immediately.
Having said that, I understand your position. We’re all very passionate about the topic of sex. Sex Rap Recap was created to shine a spotlight on the various knee-jerk reactions, uninformed attitudes and social stigmas regarding the legal abuse and unfair treatment in our society regarding the topic of sex – especially focused on a spectrum ranging from sex shaming, improper incarceration and lack of accountability with regards to arcane laws, non-consenting adults, and inappropriate behavior – and that goes for EVERYONE.
In simpler terms, pornography itself, is not the villian. Revenge porn is. Rape porn is. Child porn is. But consenting adults fucking their brains out is not. And clearly masturbation videos featuring America’s 18-year-old daughters are not bad either, because they are created by hordes of 18-year-old daughters on a daily basis. In fact, “Fifty Shades of Grey” the movie is actually more risky than, say, your daughter masturbating in her dorm room on her new iPhone 6.
We should all understand 99.99% of people want less rape. But the crusade for destroying 99.99% of men by attaching the word assault to them is not the answer. And the 99.99% denial of a women’s part to play in all of these accusations is naive and disingenuous. We must all own our truthful part in the ugly truth.
But we see article after article in the news about ‘stunning’ older women in bikinis and Kylie Jenner posing topless, but then read that people having sex on the beach are being registered as sex offenders. Does that make any sense to you? And if public perception is that far skewed, and the search engines give you the power to remove all “sex assault” videos, what are you going to want next? Mandated Planned Parenthood defunding, with a clause that all men immediately start wearing government issued “Holy Trainer” penis cages?
And by the way, maybe watching “Abuse Of Passed Out Girl” should serve as a litmus test of whether or not the viewer has serious intimacy issues, because I don’t know anybody that wants to see more of that shit.
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